Popular Annual Financial Report FY23 / 17
Intersection Improvements Underway
The Public Works Department Traffic Engineering Division was awarded $ 725,064 in Highway Safety Improvement Program grants by the Texas Department of Transportation . Through grants , the City is improving more than 300 signalized intersections by replacing backplates , installing flashing yellow left turn arrows , and updating malfunctioning management units and controller cards in signal cabinets . A National Cooperative Highway Research Program study has determined that drivers had fewer crashes with flashing yellow left-turn arrows than with traditional yield-on-green signal configurations .
City Completes Avenue E Rebuild
The City completed the rebuild of Avenue E between SH 360 and Great Southwest Parkway into a four-lane concrete roadway with medians and landscaping . This $ 8.2 million project was part of the 2014 Bond Program that also included new sidewalks , streetlights and other infrastructure improvements .
Also in 2023
• Public Works invested $ 23.1 million in maintenance improvements and $ 26.5 million in capital bond improvements overall in FY23 . This includes resurfacing 26 lanes miles through the Mill and Overlay Program .
• The United States Department of Transportation recently awarded the City of Arlington $ 240,000 to complete a roadway safety action plan . The plan ’ s goal will be to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on City roadways for drivers , pedestrians and bicyclists .
• The Public Works Department completed improvements to enhance the intersections located at Bowen Road and Green Oaks Boulevard and New York Avenue and Green Oaks Boulevard . In addition to new sidewalks and ADA-compliant ramps , new traffic signs and streetlights , the City also added dedicated turn lanes to help relieve traffic congestion and improve safety .
• How can food banks get canned goods , pasta and other critical pantry staples to disadvantaged communities or individuals with mobility challenges without relying on delivery vehicles that idle at the curb during each drop off ? With the help of a $ 780,182 U . S . Department of Energy grant awarded in FY23 , the City of Arlington will conduct an innovative pilot program to test the efficiency and scalability of using autonomous , electric delivery vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while serving residents in need .
• The City was awarded a $ 385,000 “ Safe Streets and Roads for All ” grant by the U . S . Department of Transportation for planning and demonstration projects to improve safety and help prevent deaths and serious injuries on the nation ’ s roadways .