FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 13

Also in FY22
The Parks and Recreation Department implemented the “ Bakari Williams Protocol ,” which outlines new policies and procedures designed to improve visitors ’ safety and experience while at Arlington aquatics facilities . Arlington adopted the protocol and completed nearly $ 650,000 in improvements as part of the City ’ s settlement with the family of Bakari Williams . The 3-year-old child died in September 2021 from a rare infection caused by the Naegleria fowleri ameba after visiting the City ’ s Don Misenhimer Park splash pad . Parks also made upgrades to the aquatics facilities ’ chemical testing , controllers and secondary sanitation systems to ensure facilities are safe for public use . The upgrades included :
• The addition of QR codes on signs at all aquatics facilities . This allowed visitors to access the data of the most recent sample collected about water quality and other important facility information using their smartphones .
• Automated water chemistry controllers with advanced sensors and features . They are designed to produce safe and clean water and automatically shut off any splash pads where water readings are not in the acceptable ranges . These improvements allowed staff to use their time more efficiently as issues arose .
• New digital water quality testing capabilities that reduce human error by eliminating visual inaccuracies in the testing process .
• Upgrading the secondary sanitation process to a state-of-the-art ultraviolet ( UV ) system at splash pads .
• Software that replaces the City ’ s handwritten record process . This software provides real-time water quality data and inspection records to aquatics employees remotely through an app . The Becsys-Software allows staff and management to monitor real-time chemical levels at all aquatic locations .

Also in FY22

• Code Compliance created a new Commercial Rapid Reference Guide that provides business owners and managers a comprehensive guide with links to City ordinances about landscaping , parking lot and sign standards and screening / fencing .
• Arlington celebrated Open Data Day 2022 with the Open Arlington portal , which features 46 downloadable data sets and 14 interactive web maps and applications .
• Additions to the Open Arlington portal include the City ’ s first Data Service Standard and three web maps that explore Arlington World War II veterans ’ history , the historic African American community known as The Hill , and the Bankhead Highway .
Popular Annual Financial Report FY22 City of Arlington , Texas