The WOW Ladies of the Ft . Walton Yacht Club- members , spouses , friends- are ALL welcome to join in the fun for lunch- on the first Thursday of each month at 11:30 am , and for evening cocktails- on the third Thursday of each month at 5:30 pm . Our motto : “ Come when you can : leave when you must ”.
We urge you to come and experience the regular monthly gatherings . Ladies are encouraged to get to know each other and to become better informed about the important activities and opportunities offered by our Yacht Club . Come and join us !!
Call the office at 243-7102 for further information .
Lavonne Bartholomay will get the year off to a great start as WOW hostess for January . She is busy preparing for the monthly luncheon on Thursday ( 11:30 am ), the 5th , and the monthly cocktail party on Thursday evening ( 5:30 pm ), the 19th . Be sure to mark your calendars RIGHT NOW for these dates ! Don ’ t miss these festivities for the Ladies of FWYC !!
See you at the Club !! ~ Lynne Reynolds
The ‘ men ‘ of M . A . C invite members down on the 3rd Thursday of every month for an afternoon of social fun . We sit on the Back Porch , watch the sunset over the Bayou and enjoy good frienship .
Come join us on January 19th for the first M . A . C . of 2017 .
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