The Holiday Season descends on our club and members yet another year . We can all take pride in the club ’ s progress this past year due to the contributions and tireless work of the Board , Committees , members , and our dedicated employees . Working together we enhanced both the exterior and interior of the clubhouse , improved the appearance , functionality , and safety of our docks , increased the occupancy of both wet and dry slips , and most importantly grew our regular club membership .
Thank you all for your support this past year . Bonnie and I wish you and your family a happy and loving Holiday Season , and a New Year full of promise and good will to all . ~ John Dezzutto - VC 2016
Welcome 2017 !! Here ’ s to a great year at the club . Congratulations to all the new board members and officers .
This month we start right off on the 7th with the change of watch for the FWYC . Please make your reservations for dinner with the office . Speaking of reservations , I would like to give another reminder to please make reservations for Friday night dinner . It helps the staff serve you better when we know a good idea of how many are coming for that night . It makes things difficult to judge when we have a total of 14 people on the books going into a Friday night and end up doing 60 .
Starting this January the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month will be Tacos . We will also be putting out what we are having far ahead of time so you will not have to wait until that day to find out .
Have a great month ! ~ Eric Matizza
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