FWYC Letter Log January 2017 | Page 5

interest and excitement .
The FWYC membership is like a sensitive eco system . It needs to maintain balance to remain healthy and thriving , but it takes all of us to achieve that balance . For every “ Don ’ t ” on the survey , there was a “ Keep doing .” Great minds often don ’ t think alike , but can respect others opinions and ideas . We ’ ve got a great eco system here . Spread the word and let ’ s make 2017 the best year ever !
~ Faye Black
What a grand time we all had at the Annual Chili Cook Off , following the Annual Boat Parade !! Many thanks to all the WOW ladies in organizing the event . Wini Jimmerson , Jackie Chapman , Judy Williams , Ann Dewrell , Kerry Serpa , Karen David and Barbara Macpike did yeoman ’ s duty setting up and running the event and , thanks to them , everyone enjoyed the evening .
Extra special thanks to our intrepidly courageous Chili Judges -Phil Krajeck , Jack Petry and Chip Cook- as well as Chili Master Lynne Reynolds , who certainly were challenged by the delicious contest entries .
Chili Cookoff Winners First place- Cindy Barber Second Place- Paula Bushelle Third Place- Jackie Chapman Tasters ’ Choice- Jenny and Scott Bailey Most Creative- Tammi Brant !!
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