Story By Angel Murrah
Our testimonies speak volumes,
but when it’s coming from our
youth it can sometimes touch us
and move us in ways we never
imagined. Here is the story of
13 year old Angel Murrah:
My Name is Angel Murrah, I am
13 yrs. old. Every since I was a
litle girl I always wanted to sing.
It didn't matter how angry, sad,
sick or low I felt. A song, a note
or a beat would raise my spirits.
My life was like a long road and
I was so busy looking back, left,
right and all around that I
forgot to look at the signs God
was giving me to reach my
I was adopted when I was 3
days old, by mom Sheryl
Murrah. As long as I can
remember she was doing
Missionary work over in Haiti.
We would prepare thousands of
pounds of supplies and do many
fundraisers like dinners, yard
sales, begging for help and she
made many personal sacrifices.
We travelled all across the
country doing fundraising and
raising awareness of Haiti's
situation. I gave my very first
Haiti presentation when I was 5
years old. I didn't quite
understand what Haiti was
about, but I knew my mom
loved going and she loved
helping them.
When I was 6 years old, my
mom married. My dad, her
husband, was very abusive to
us. This is when my writing
began, writing about how our
lives had changed because of
his drug use and his abusive
behavior towards us. We moved
to San Francisco from Atlanta to
help my dad get off drugs. He
did! But he still had the same