Fuzionz Magazine Volume 1 | Page 22

The 2012 B.E.T Soul Train Music Awards Red Carpet and taping was live at Planet Hollywood. Tribute was paid to the legendary Don Cornelius who was producer and show host of Soul Train from 1971 to 1993. Entrepreneur and basketball great, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, now owner of the Soul Train Brand, made his special appearance on the Red Carpet. He had this to say to Fuzionz Magazine, "It's a blessing what Don Cornelius started four decades ago. It was on Saturday mornings that we were all waiting for Soul Train to come on. I'm sure Don is happy that we want to continue the Soul Train Awards. This is the first time the awards show will go on without him, but now that I own the Soul Train Brand, I have to make sure we still do it in a classy way and continue to build the brand.