To give more of an accurate and reliable information about teenage obesity , I had recently conducted an interview with a nutritionist . Here are a few things she had said from my Q & A .
Q1 : Why is Malaysia the most overweight populated countries in Southeast Asia ? A : This is backed by a research by the Healthy Ministry titled ‘ Overweight and Obesity ’ which noted , “ With the advent of technological advances , Malaysians lead a largely sedentary lifestyle and consequently higher rates of obesity .
Q2 : Why is it important to tackle the issue of childhood obesity ? A : A large number of the health issues related to obesity nowadays and obesity in childhood leads to obesity in adulthood
Q3 : What are the common problems in obesity ? A : Type II diabetes Orthopaedic disorders — issues with foot structure Liver issues , including fatty liver Respiratory disorders , for example , jammed airways and blockage in the chest , which cause shortness of breath during exercise
Q4 : What is the average weight for teenagers ? A : Between 49 59 kgs
Q5 : What is the healthy percentage or quantity of nutritions should teenagers to consume ? A : 2500 2800 kcal / day with 2030 % fat calories with at least 55 % from carbohydrates & Proteins between 5565g / day