Frosty's Flava Magazine AUG-SEP- 2019 URBAN FILM FESTIVAL EDITION | Page 58
FFM: That’s deep & good to
know. I must admit, I used
to take offense when they
considered you to be African
As a fan, I felt a certain level
of ownership to you, like “he’s
not African, he’s Haitian.”
JJL: I don’t get offended
by being considered an
African. because I really
look at me being Haitian,
but also as me being
African because you know,
I completely upset the
Africanship. (laughing jokingly)
FFM: No, I know. I just felt as if they’re always
trying to take credit for you. (Laughs)
JJL: No, No. I hear you. But it’s normal though,
because I’ve played a lot of African characters
up until some memorable Haitian characters.
Before I was on “Hero’s” playing the Haitian,
most of the characters that I’ve played were
Africans. “Phat Girls”, I played an African
character in quite a few movies. I’m always
playing an African character you know, so that’s
what lead people to believe that I was African
and not just African, but that I’m from Nigeria.
FFM: I get it, but I’m not going to let them have
you okay? Just so you know! (chuckling)
JJL: Please don’t let them have
me! (Laughing)
FFM: So because you’re
fairly young right?
JJL: Well, I don’t know
about that, but okay,
if you say so!
AUG-SEP R.indd 58
FFM: You are though! I think
you’re fairly young. And it’s
great to see someone as
young as you are, actually
having the ability to enjoy
your life and lifestyle.
What are some of the
challenges that you’ve had
to face? I know that racism
may be one of them, I’m not
exactly sure. But what are
some of the challenges you’ve
had to face being in the
movie industry?
JJL: Uh, in the movie and film
business; I mean obviously it’s not something
that caters to “black people,” so you have to
fight to have a voice.
Ever since I started, not only are they not that
welcoming of Black people, but even less - if
you’re not an American.
So of course, I had to sorta overcome all of
those challenges and it’s okay; because very
often when you have to overcome these types
of challenges, you end up becoming a much
better person. So I’ve learned to embrace any
kind of challenge that comes my way.
Then when speaking about the racism that I’ve
experienced, it’s okay because it’s simply a case
of educating people.
Racism is just based on pure Ignorance. That’s
it! It’s nothing more than that. If someone is
being racist towards me, “I” don’t necessarily
get mad about that. It’s alright because it’s not
really my problem. It’s that persons problem.
If I can take a minute to have another chance
with that person, maybe that minute will
change the way that person thinks about me or
the way they think about people who look like
me. But it’s just simply ignorance.
30/08/2019 06:50:01