From Blah to Glimmer From Blah to Glimmer Edition 1. | Page 9

In that example you don’t see the trace of the word money. That’s because I did not make it about the money – and maybe why I “failed” in a conventional sense.

However, I was playing by the end result. The things that money and experience could buy. And in that arena, my cup did runnith over. It was exactly what I intended it to be.


Create your creed.

Define your intention.

Remind yourself why you are doing this.

Remind yourself of the experience you want to create on the other side of making this bang.

Remind yourself why this is so important to you.

Remind yourself of the choice you made.

Sometimes you need to do a little extra discovery homework to reveal this. Trust me it’s worth it. It’ll make the experience deeper, richer and a whole lot more meaningful.

Carve out 1 hour of your day and tune into you – not your twitter thread. Do some deep listening. Sometimes music helps. Here’s a recommended background track to compliment those deep breaths towards centre.

One of my podcast guests also shared this beauty that's been resonating with souls worldwide.

Yes the concept is trademarked :(

but that can't stop someone as

invinsible as you, from savouring

the moment.

It's actually the idea behind her

global book movement. Born in

a whisper, and complete trust,

Nanette shares the real meaning

of F.A.I.T.H. Tune in to discover it.