From Blah to Glimmer From Blah to Glimmer Edition 1. | Page 8

Breaking down the intention into something actionable

Stop living your life like it's an option. It's not. If you really beleive that to be true then why do you make the things that make you happy or successful - an option?

It's really not rational at all if you step outside of the story and look at it for what it really is.

But if you need a fresh perpective on this - then I think you will really love the podcast I recorded with Haikaa.

Listen to it here. >>>>>>>>>>

You need to embrace the fact that you are simply luminous ... and the world needs you to be at your very best so that you can serve earth at her / it's best !

Once I knew what my ultimate experience was I would break that down into smaller intentions that complimented each project I was working on based on what served me best.

For example:

In the crowd funding example my intention was to courageously put myself out there so that I could practice wholehearted receiving and empowerment, in order to launch the supernova sessions.