First let me start by explaining what an intention is.
In my books, an intention is a stated desire which one acts upon. It can be positive or negative. It always serves a higher purpose – but the real thing to consider is if it is serving your truest highest purpose.
Intentions can create something you desire or they could be a product of your hearts longing (and a response to something lacking in your life). There is no right or wrong answer here, but the SuperNova experience is all about raising your frequency (and in doing so your intention) to a higher level so that you are able to create something truly spectacular.
Note: An intention is so much bigger than an goal or a milestone. What’s helped me shape mine is by thinking of a creed / manifesto / purpose for being. It's in that space that I was able to give shape to my ultimate intention ….
“I choose to live from courage (to be authentically real, to experience life wholeheartedly, to be grounded and soar effortlessly, to connect beyond the existence of being an ant) with just the right amount of time for play and rest - so that I can live a purpose centred life.
That's my contribution to myself, and in that there's magic to contribute to the world.
WHY? Because I choose to live from courage. It really does start with a bang!“
Lena Ski
Those of you who have been listening to my podcasts, may have heard me chatting about the difference between making choices and options. If you missed it (or just want a recap) press the play button above.
How do you know what choice you’re making? Easy. Look at the results you’re getting. If you’re getting more of what you don’t want that’s because you’re more than likely to be making the wrong choice.
Everything starts with a choice!