From Blah to Glimmer From Blah to Glimmer Edition 1. | Page 10

the importance of reality testing everything!

Just becuase something feels right to us doesn't mean it's a great idea.... and even the best of ideas fall flat on their face. Just look at the inentions being crowdfunded (or hoping to be!). There are some weird things out there.

Then again sometimes out the box things actually prove us wrong. Like Apple.

There's a brand that didn't listen to the masses, but tuned into the creative visions of innovation and genius.

But for most people - 90% of the world - we actually need to sit in front of a drawing board and test everything. Even if you think you know - chances are you don't! Of course, there's that saying that says "there's nothing like a sure thing."

I see it time and time again. Passionate, Inspired souls jump to the whim of an idea and turn it into a business. They spend copious hours developing a business plan, investment plans, and building a website that's worth more than its results.


Becasue they have not

stopped to verify it.

Now hear me out.

Your idea could be

plausabile, it could

even be good, but if

you really want to

make a bang

you need to create



So it's definetly worth

asking yourself some

questions, and asking

your tribe those questions


Start with these and then

complete the ones on the

next page too.

Good Luck!