French & Electric Blue September 2013 | Page 18

From the Field Something Fishy on Route 290 On August 21, a tractor-trailer carrying 40,000 of fish split in half on Route 290 in Auburn, resulting in significant traffic delays. The truck also spilled approximately twenty-five gallons of diesel fuel, necessitating a response by the Department of Environmental Protection. The fish, which was headed to Maine to be used as lobster bait, was offloaded and continued on its way north. K-9 West Training K-9 West has been training hard in August with MSP dogs and K-9 Officers from our local partners. In this photo, Holyoke PD Officer Matt Welch and K-9 Ryker are shown locating a “hide” -- a compartment where narcotics are hidden. Ryker is about to enjoy his reward: a towel for him to play with. High Tech Stop On July 18, 2013 at around 1:15 PM, Trooper Dana Oliver stopped a motor vehicle on Route 146 in Worcester. During this stop, nineteen iPhone 5s were seized as well as a assortment of other devices including iPads, Blackberries, Wii, and Samsung Galaxies. These items were seized from three men from New York who are suspected of credit card fraud and identity theft. The investigation is ongoing with several agencies, including the Massachusetts State Police and the U.S. Secret Service. French·and·electric·blue·September·2013·page·18