Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 44

• 9’SuperCritical Water: continued 4 • -->> cont: WM Fully rejected as occasionally claimed effects: Many of proprietary or “Catalytic” type water: • Effects: Sealed water claimed to last up to 5yrs for its effects, and produced water is used as concentrate for 10-1000+ times dilution: D(Algae germ stifling as water), Z(Plant/animal grow larger-faster with water), B2(Less plant water needs), C2(soil desalination effect), D2(selective human prefered herb-germ-insect enhancing), E2(flavor enhancement), F2(human/animal skin, bio function enhancement), • Unlisted effects: ■ This type of water process has effect of -“imprinting” or copying process of mineral or magnetic property into water or vice versa. Certain water with copied qualities of some mineral can be further “pasted” on to 3rd party solid matter): eg of heating-cooling as key process in this type of water: (Enjoy VivoPlus)?, See details including commercialized examples at 28’Catalytic Water. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 44