Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 45

• 10‘Sonic, Its Cavitation, Acoustic Pulsed Fire Drying: Effect mix of Accepted, Rejected, Fully rejected by(WM) • ■ 10‘Ultrasonic, Sonic Cavitation & other Acoustic effects; See also ♛Acoustic Pulsed Fire effect on later pages in this section 10, Ultrasonic effect doesn’t necessarily accompany Sonic cavitation effects, Each service/product tend to specialize in specific different areas: • WM Accepted effects: A(Anti pipe scaling effect)(Грандэнерго, Nanjing Hanzhou Technology+), B(anti-corrosion) by Acoustic signal to cause disturbance for preventing Elements precipitation to pipe walls, C(Algae, bacteria, germ stifling)(H2O Bio Sonic, Thomasonic UK+) by shock wave, heat, and generation of H 2 O 2 or Hydroxyl radical, Some claim no cavitation/harmful sounds is produced for animals(LG Sonic Cameleon Technology+): specific frequency seems to exist for undesired algae - Usually Electroporation effect(see section 42’ElectroPoration) or ElectroAcoustic effect generating electric field by "vibration friction" of solute/colloidal ions: Because this transverse EM field coincides in same oscillation as longitudinal acoustic wave, it's standing wave like resonance phenomena, Hence significantly improved effect can occur at specific Ultrasonic range(EMCS Industries+) -->>cont: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 45