Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 43

• 9’SuperCritical Water: continued 3 • WM Fully rejected as occasionally claimed effects: Many of proprietary type so called “Healing” type or “Catalytic” type water seem to involve trade secret rapid heating/cooling often under high or low pressure than atmosphere in specific precision order/ pressure/temperature/duration combination as main process, many are treated in Subcritical realm. • This seems usually augmented/accompanied by either : Hydrodynamic cavitation, EM wave treatment (mainly UV, ELF, EHF, Thz), Plasma discharge, Vaporazing-condensing, Electrolysis, certain mineral(often FIR emitting or "electrically perpetually active" types like Tourmaline, or negatively charged Bentonite etc) or biopolymer or bio enhancing type herbs or bacteria mixing prior to the treatment,(see 62-63’General Summary of Anomalous “Vitalizing Effect Water”), -->> continued - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 43