Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 35


• 8 ‘ Aeration , Aerobic Bacteria , Anaerobic Digestion continued 5 : Aeration & Aerobic Bacteria 5

• -- >> cont : WM Accepted : L ( Drinking water production ): Slow Sand Filter ( SSF ) by biofilm effect ( schmutzdecke ): Its high effectiveness in removing heavy metal to undesired bacteria is not fully WM explained . * Also effective as activated sludge combined waste water treatment is now becoming underutilized status on new installation basis , replaced by another bio process MBR ( Membrane BioReactor ).

• Given established economic system , more suitable to install new in poor nations with low cost land that doesn ' t disrupt local overall business structure . With mechanical sand cleaning system , low cost labour is no longer essential . Cost competitiveness diminishes in long freezing season area ( BioSand Filter - Manz Engineering , Bushproof , South Asia Pure Water Initiative +), Often due to low profitability ( too cheap ) notable NGOs handling rather than prv companies ( similar phenomena to solar desalination or atmospheric water collector )( DHAN Vayalagam foundation +), but some eco conscious Western companies are taking up again ( Osmo Sistemi +)

• J ( waste water cleaning ): effect in sludge digestion by some high aeration methods has WM media occasionally Disputed portion as to whether non-conventional aeration methods are much more effective than regular aeration types . In certain applications / situations some are reported to demonstrate disruptively increased effectiveness in following types : Spiral aerator type ( Pax Water Technologies +), Z ( bioenhancement , extra plant growth ) ( Seair inc +) -- >> continued linkedin . com / in / newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak : Specialty Cleantech Research , Vancouver ,