Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 36

• 8‘Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion continued 6: Aeration & Aerobic Bacteria 6 • -->>cont: J(waste water cleaning): WM media occasionally Disputed Portion: Bottom up spiral vortex bubble aerator(Hanasaki Bussan Neo Tornado+), Bottom up slow pulsed air seems to save 50-95% of energy with low maintenance no moving parts mechanics & variety of unconventional favorable side effects(Pulsair Systems, Pulsed Hydraulics inc, Geyser Pulse Pumps +): this tech is widely used for a long time by military types and many mainstream organizations in specific segment • Oloid aeration for surface floating device( likely the most effective in exclusive surface aeration tech, BioCeramic contained microbe use(BioCleaner+), Cavitation Jet(DynaSwirl+), Some unidentified bacteria combo seem to have pseudoscientifically effective results(Sludge Solutions International+), Adding infused microbubbles & ultrasound(Blue Frog System+): for smaller nanosized Ultra fine bubble aeration(Anzaimcs+) see 13’Nanobubble. For Vortex types see 11’HydroDynamic Cavitation & 12’Spiral Vortex Flow. For Aerobic/Anaerobic digestion also see 30’EM. • Generally WM Rejected effect: D2(Human preferred selective herb-insect removing), G2(energy/ fuel production), microbial EOR(New AERO technology): cleantech mainstream level acceptance is increasing. • Unlisted Effect: Unusually low energy use(80-90% less) effective aeration & decomposing of waste water when rapidly changing pressure was applied as liquid travels to & out of rotating treating drums via settling tanks: Bio-Disk Rotating Biological Contractor (‫ל‬.‫ט‬. ‫הסביבה‬ ‫לאיכות‬ ‫החברה‬ E.P.C. ltd Bio-Disk+) 36