Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 34

• 8‘Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion continued 4: Aeration & Aerobic Bacteria 4 • -->cont: WM Accepted widely used effects: J(waste water cleaning): Membrane BioReactor(MBR): In addition to smaller tank, 20-30% less energy use & low CAPEX by aerobic granular sludge generating quicker setting(Royal HaskoningDHV Nereda): initiated by Delft Univ.(There is slight disputing on effectiveness at media level) • Although some universities in West pioneer new water technology commercialization, This group from Netherlands has most frequently been the driving force of bringing in previous pseudoscience into WM as science legal effects. Often when they publish western unapproved but non western nations granted effects, suddenly it becomes "discovered" & other western scientists can officially start studying it for the first time. • L(Drinking water production): Slow Sand Filter(SSF) by biofilm effect(schmutzdecke) has been long used as very effective low cost method with essentially only cost is occasional sand cleaning. Mostly replaced by "new conventional" methods since around 1950s by exaggerated media ineffectiveness appeal, lack of profitability (when this system is sold compared to other mechanical- chemical types) & short term land sales profit in low cost land area, and genuinely higher cost in super high land cost area. 34