Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 33

• 8‘Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion continued 3: Aeration & Aerobic Bacteria 3 • -->>cont: WM Accepted widely used effects: J(wastewater aeration): Other competitive low cost effective aerations by: • vii- Unique low maintenance tray based compact Air Stripping system(not packed tower which is mainstream in many nations[Tonka Water, Layne Christensen+]) that removes almost all toxic VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds (QED Environmental Systems, Carbonair+), viii- Supersaturated /concentrated air or oxygen dissolved in water by bubble size & pressure control etc(BlueInGreen+) ix- Combination of aeration and hydrodynamic cavitation( 株式会社ネクストリー +) ■ This is not really aeration, but at about 10% size of equivalent performing conventional primary treatment settling tank with 1/2 power use with improved overall performance by Rotating Belt Filtration(screen belt) is still not well propagated in some markets(Hydro International Hydro MicroScreen, Blue Water Eco MAT+), same mechanics with sludge dewatering added(Salsnes Filter) -->>continued 33