Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 268

• 50’Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) group con'd: 15 ♛Low Temp Hydrolysis 2 • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: K2/P2(Energy-fuel production, while waste water is cleaned): ●a Wet Air Oxidation(WAO)/Thermal Hydrolysis(TH): ●a-ii HT-a: Usual purpose is to speed up Anaerobic Digestion by short duration process like 30mins, often involves rapid decompression process for cell rapture(Steam Explosion: SE): Large installations of 100,000ton/yr dry sludge capacity (Cambi THP, Veolia Water Exelys/Biothelys +), also significant penetration by smaller players(Terax nz, Jeongbong kr, Hydroitalia - Colsen, Eliquo BV+), Steam Explosion can be used for other purposes eg(significantly en hanced wood pellet making, or chip digestion at dissolving pulping process etc)(Coramexport cz, Valmet, Arbaflame +), or regular hot water based Biological Hydrolysis from heat recovery(GE water+) • ●a-iii HT-b: Simple Dilute Acid Hydrolysis(0.1-6% range of H 2 SO 4 ): Refined at Soviet/Russia based on 19th century Scholler Process to decompose lignocellulosic fibre(mainly wood heavy with balance is non crop plant or organic waste) into Cellulosic Ethanol in large scale until yr2000s. In West this is now discarded to only "pretreatment method" of enzymatic hydrolysis ethanol production and hardly known. Also Russian Hydrolysis business model generates 20-35% range of impure subcritical water altered lignin as left over & often dumped at landfill, while Cellulose & Hemi Cellulose(polysaccharide) are broken down to simple sugar(C5 & C6) and enable very diverse volume adjustable products such as Protein, Carbohydrates etc(fodder yeast, furfural, Xylitol, CO2+)(Бобруйский гидролизный завод, Бендерский биохимический завод, Кировский БиоХим Завод+) or can replace all low grade ethanol fuel with value added alcohol, etc(Medical Alcohol, Spirts/ Brandy: Vodka, Holzbranntwein, Whiskey, Synthetic plastic or rubber material+)(Петроспирт, Речицкий опытно-промышленный гидролизный+).-->>cont: 268