Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 118

• 23’Plasma activated water(PAW): Effect mix of Disputed & Generally Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) • ■ 23’Plasma activated water(PAW) or Electric arc/Pulsed Corona treated water(also dielectric barrier discharge, contact glow discharge, pulsed plasma etc) can be also called Plasma treated Electrolyzed Water etc, There are diverse range of Plasma/Electric discharge in water: • They are mostly Cold Plasma(Non Thermal Plasma/Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma[also some are high pressure or vacuum environment set up]), or can be called as "Micro Plasma": Energy of electron is much higher than ion's: Non-Equilibrium Plasma: • i-Occurring at surface, ii-Inside bulk water, iii-Treated in droplet forms, vi-Steam-vapor form(see section 50’SuperCritical Water -Steam Plasma) or v-plasma generated without electrodes by certain wireless EM frequency oscillation/induction(Customized Water Systems+) etc. There are wide range of mechanics but often DBD(Insulating/Dielectric Barrier Discharge, can be low cost power use high voltage short pulse) is one of preferred methods for water effects. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 118