Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 119

• • 23’Plasma activated water(PAW): continued 2 One of most potentially disruptive water tech with wide ramifications: Non-Thermal Plasma treated water can be called an euphemism version of Super Low Cost Hydrogen Peroxide(H 2 O 2 ) / Direct Hydroxyl Radical(OH•) mass production method at low cost(too disruptive to call it spade as Hydrogen Peroxide production/Disinfection industry is too big to suddenly replace) compared to other AOP tech, plus there is more residual effect in water itself:、 WM officially approved prolonged(several days) disinfection effect of this "plain water" is explainable by presence of H 2 O 2 until it all decomposes into H 2 O and O 2 (decomposition also often generates OH•[hydroxyl radical]), Also in other cases seems to produce OZONE(O 3 ) & H 2 O 2 simultaneously which generate high portion of OH•, or initially plasma produced O 3 is irradiated by UV which is co-generated by plasma in water. This short lived(nonresidual harm) strongest "nonchemical" oxidizer is very disruptive if easily available as needed. Also NO and N2+ are produced and would increase the effect. • But there seems to be other elements for this effect than just H 2 O 2 /OH•. Very energy- electricity efficient, and applicable to other industries of non-enegy relation. This plasma effect might be slightly different from time variant electromagnetic field(electric pulse) or basically same but separately named Pulsed Power effect through dielectric insulators. closer to, or same as Electrohydraulic effect: direct plasma discharge with shockwave effect. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 119