Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 117

• 22’Nano Material Used Filter/Nano Carbon membrane: continued 4 • 22’Nano Material Used Filter/Nano Carbon membrane WM Rejected effect: Many non Western nations don’t hesitate to claim all of the following(Институт Физиологически Активных Соединений -, Claim related to Structured Water- eg Fullerene(C-60) trapped water initiates structure and spreads the entire water container and maintains after boiling(GV Andrievsky, VN Khvorostinka+), and D(Algae-germ stifling, disinfectant); Bacteriaci de effect filer, Z(Plant/animal grow larger faster, assists fermentation, Catalyst to ferment food, drink, manure decompose), B2(Less plant water needs, soil water fast absorb, & longer retention), E2(Flavor enhancement of soup/pasta/coffee+), F2(Human animal bioenhancement): Medical claims(ЦЕНТР СОКОЛИНСКОГО - Center Sokolinski+) • WM Fully rejected effect: D2(Human prefered herb-insect-germ enhancement): filter most toxin but keep bio-beneficial minerals, affect spin quality of filtered materials, remove Tritium: High Reactivity Carbon Mixture(minor transmutation?- labeled fraud/ insane- likely some kind of electrical reaction common to graphene-nanocarbon filters: Golden Formula Holding+), • Other commercialized: “Spin selectivity reversible chemical reaction with graphene[Fullerene])”(Svetla Water, Bionomic Technologies+) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 117