Forgotten Identity Chapter I | Page 5

above the girl's elbows.

“RENA!” the girl exclaimed before running up to the said girl.

“Hey, Kira,” Rena responded.

“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting here forever! People were beginning to give me weird looks too!” the girl, now identified as Kira said.

“It’s not my fault that you just naturally look weird, plus I actually came pretty early. We have like twenty minutes before homeroom starts.”


The two girls proceeded to walk into the building and began to look for the list that has all the homerooms and who is in what room. After a couple of minutes, the pair found the bulletin board with the lists of homerooms on it near the cafeteria surrounded by a horde of freshmen, so this left the couple with no choice but to patiently wait for their turn. Kira and Rena were overjoyed to see that they were in the same homeroom, room 22A, Miss Cross.