Greenhouse Clubs Grow Food for the Hungry
ABOVE : In line with Fordham Prep ’ s Green Initiative , students from the Greenhouse and Environmental clubs are growing vegetables in the school ’ s greenhouse to help local food pantry Part of the Solution , Inc ( POTS ) feed the hungry .
W hile the Great Ignatian Challenge may have ended months ago , Fordham Prep ’ s Greenhouse and Environmental clubs are still rising to the challenge of fighting hunger in the community .
Under the supervision of science teacher and expert botanist Peter McNamara , students from both clubs have been tending to plants in the fourth-floor greenhouse all throughout the winter and spring . From these plants , students are harvesting food for delivery to support the community dining room at local food pantry Part of the Solution , Inc . ( POTS ) as recommended by the school ’ s Environmental Sustainability Task Force .
“ The students fertilize , water , and care for the plants most days of the week for a few minutes a day . My job is to open the door and get them started ,” said McNamara .
In Dr . Raymond Gonzalez ’ s science classroom , students are growing lettuce and other vegetables in an indoor smart garden under grow lights and on a tower .
McNamara and the students found that hydroponics is three to five times more efficient for growing greens . However , the plants growing in soil are beginning to catch up .
“ We also hope to add additional hydroponics systems on the walls of the greenhouse this summer to increase the amount of food the students can produce ,” stated the Prep ’ s interim President Brian Carney .
The students delivered the first batch of food from the greenhouse in April 2022 . “ It ’ s great entertainment and learning for [ the students ] and very rewarding to give it all away ,” McNamara said .
RIGHT : Students took care of the plants in the greenhouse all throughout the winter and spring of the 2021 – 22 school year .
ABOVE RIGHT : Members of the Greenhouse and Environmental clubs delivering vegetables grown in the greenhouse to support POTS .