Fordham Prep - Ramview Summer 2022 Vol 42 Issue 3 | Page 19

Angeles T . Arredondo STEM Scholarship Winners

F ordham Prep is proud to announce the first-ever recipients of the Angeles T . Arredondo ( ATA ) Foundation STEM Scholarship : Max Machado ’ 22 , Thomas McFarland ’ 22 , and Michael Reeder ’ 22 .

Assistant Principal for Academics and Student Life and iSTEAM Co-coordinator Chad Broussard is grateful for the opportunity this scholarship gives to students who are passionate about STEM .
“ The Arredondo Foundation Scholarship will allow our students to pursue a degree in the STEM field and it will lift the financial burden just a bit for these families ,” he said .
As part of the school ’ s iSTEAM program , the ATA Foundation is giving the Prep the opportunity to award in each of the next five years three seniors with STEM scholarships for college tuition totaling $ 85,000 . This makes the foundation ’ s commitment to Fordham Prep , our iSTEAM program , and our students an astounding $ 425,000 over the duration of the grant . A new group of qualified students will be chosen each year .
Three students from a pool of diverse candidates who were interested in pursuing a degree in STEM were selected to receive the scholarship . Candidates were required to take at least two advanced STEM courses such as Calculus Honors , Chemistry , and Physics . Only the two highest grades received in each course were counted in the decision process .
Students have the option to use their scholarship award during their first year or distribute the award throughout their matriculation in college . The three seniors awarded will receive their prize certificates on graduation day .
To learn more about iSTEAM at Fordham Prep , visit www . fordhamprep . org / academics / isteam .
1ST PRIZE WINNER Max Machado ’ 22 ($ 50k Scholarship )
Princeton-bound Max Machado is President of the Prep ’ s 3D Printing Club . “ I hope to get a job someday working hands-on ,” he said . “ I ’ m hoping to go into aeronautics to work with planes . My dream job would be to work with Boeing ,” he continued .
In addition to working on building a drone in the 3D Printing Club , Machado also enjoys tinkering with robots in the Robotics Club , playing the trumpet in the band , and serving as Executive Activities Coordinator in Student Government . He is also on the Track & Field team and traveled to Tennessee in 2021 for the Appalachia Habitat for Humanity service trip . Machado plans to study mechanical engineering at Princeton University in the fall .
Max has a deep insight into how things work , using his imagination to see what is possible . He possesses a great ability to create what he imagines into reality . Max stands out in class by leading his classmates with new ideas .”
“ One word I would use to describe Max is creative ,” said science teacher John Haag ’ 84 . “ Max has a deep insight into how things work , using his imagination to see what is possible . He possesses a great ability to create what he imagines into reality . Max stands out in class by leading his classmates with new ideas .”
Machado was selected to speak at Fordham Prep ’ s inaugural iSTEAM Expo on May 4th ( Star Wars Day ) this year . Machado showcased a drone he is working to build with his classmates at the expo .
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– John Haag ’ 84 , Science Teacher