Food & Spirits Magazine #15 | Page 22

Snack Island! Local Eats on The Road with Snake Island! by Allan Schleich previous holder’s 52) and returning the next week to tie the bean taco record at 69. My accomplishments aside, I was asked to write a few things about what type of things Snake Island! ate on the road, so here’s a look at some of the cities and restaurants we’ve been through. To begin with, being on the road is tough, sometimes no one can afford to eat at all because any spare band fund was just spent changing the oil in the van, or we simply don’t have time when facing a 15-hour overnight drive across the desert, or we’re grabbing what gas station food we can before jumping back in the van. Sometimes we get to grill out when camping, or if someone is hosting us on their couch we’ll make macaroni or spaghetti. “The Brick has many standard breakfast and lunch staples but they shine through with their weird fried stuff – fried twinkie desserts, for one.” Editor’s Note: Omaha has developed a reputation as a ‘music town’ around the nation, so we figured a good way to visit some of the food our community encounters was to talk to one of the finer bands in Omaha as they hit the road. Allan Schleich, guitarist for Snake Island!, takes us on a culinary tour of the band’s fare on a recent trip. I ’m definitely not a chef, not even that decent of a cook at home, but I am an avid traveler and touring musician who loves eating food. I play in the band Snake Island! who just recently logged a 10,000+ mile tour of the western U.S. this past summer. Last year, we made a 5,000+ mile run across the Midwest and South. One of the obvious perks of being in a touring band is being able to see and perform in all sorts of places across the country. Naturally, while out and about, my bandmates and I get to sample the local fare, which is always a highlight when I get to try something new and delicious. I’m like those couple of guys on the Travel and Food channels who always hunt down the diners and dive restaurants and jump in on the eating competitions. In f X? H]?[?[H ??HX???X???]?X??\?????\???HX][?? M?YY?X????H?YZ? ?X][??B??????[??H?[?Y???]8?$?[??Y?[YH[???8?$??Z?H\?[?B?XZ?\?]H?\?H?????[????[????[?[?\]YH??[??\?]\?[??\?X[H?H?\???\??^HH??[?[??\?[?\??]]?\?H?Y??H^H??[?B??\?X]??][?????\?B??x?&\?H?\??]?[????Y? ?H?X\??H^\?HY?B???H[??[?[??H?\???? ???]H[??]\?Z?HY[?[?\??[?????x?&]?H??YHX??????YH?[?\?X??\?]\?[????Y?[H[?H?[?\?H\?\?X?H\???Y]?]?H?X]?Y][??????\?H?X]?Y?]?^H[?X[?H?\?H?]Y\?x?&[Y[?[???x?&[?\?\?[?HZY?\? ??[??\??]H\??YH?H??X???H?[?YH?]H?\?[??\?]\?[?]X?Y ?H??X??\?X[?B??[?\???XZ?\?[?[???\\?\??[\??]???[[X?\??\????]^H?[?H??Y??]Z\??Z\???YY?Y??8?$???YY?[??YB?\??\?????K?H\???[H][\Y?X]H??Z?XN?B??Y\??]\?Y ?X???\Y [?Y\?]??YY???]?\???[?\??H]?[??????[?HZY?\?\????\??K?X?Y???\?HB???\]Y[??[Xx?&\????\?HX]?HY][[X?\??\??\??^B??\?[?\?H]?H?\??\???[YYY?\??[??Z?H?^Y\?[?\?K??]\???\??X???X??][?H???[??]? ?\?x?&\?]?[?B????[??X??[YY?\???Y\?H??YH\?H[?HZ?HH?[?\???