Food For Thought September 2012 | Page 10

AsPac Management Conference and Awards AsPac Management Conference and Awards The Second Annual AsPac Management Conference took place in Hangzhou, China in April. The main objective of the meeting is to bring together the stakeholders in the Asia business from across the globe. Asia today represents a reported €160m in revenue annually across five business units. With such a complex range of businesses it is vital to share and align global and regional strategy and vision. The highlights of this year’s conference included an enlightening presentation by Danone outlining their strategy and expectations from a key supplier such as Glanbia, the DII update showing the importance of Asia to Glanbia and the presentation of the inaugural AsPac awards presented by Kevin Toland. With great connections made and a mutual understanding developed for the future, attendees are already looking forwards to the 2013 AsPac Management Conference. The Two Hats The ‘Two Hats Award’ was given to Tom Marzella. The award recognises the efforts of individuals or teams in working and co-operating across Business Unit lines to the benefit of the AsPac business as a whole. Picture (L to R) Raimund Hoenes, Barry Fitzsimons, Kevin Toland and Tom Marzella, Sydney (recipient). Customer Excellence The ‘Customer Excellence Award’ was given to the Customised Solutions Team for their success in demonstrating the power of a Key Account linked up approach. Picture (L to R) Chandler Siva, CS Singapore (recipient); Bernhard Barthlott, CS Germany (recipient); Barry Fitzsimons, Kevin Toland, Raimund Hoenes and Dominic Mills, R&D Suzhou (recipient). Innovation Award The ‘Innovation Award’ was given to Daragh Maccabee and his team in the US for redesigning the Foods Inc Milk Procurement Model. This put Glanbia in a better position to compete and build a sustainable cheese business in AsPac and other international markets. Picture (L to R) Darragh Maccabee, Twin Falls (recipient); Barry Fitzsimons and Kevin Toland. 10 food for thought | summer 2012