Food For Thought September 2012 | Page 11

People News Siobhan Talbot Recognised as One of Ireland’s Most Powerful Women Congratulations to Siobhan Talbot, Glanbia Group Finance Director, who was recognised as one of Ireland’s Most Powerful Women at the WXN Awards in Dublin on 14 June. Siobhan received the HSBC Corporate Executives Award at the inaugural Awards, which are co-presented by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN) and HSBC Ireland. Rick Schulze Completes the Race Across America Rick Schulze, Director of I.T. at Glanbia Nutritionals (NA), Inc. participated in Race Across America (RAAM), a 3,000 mile continuous bicycle race beginning in Oceanside, California and ending in Annapolis, Maryland. Rick was part of a two person team that traversed the 3000 mile course across 12 states and climbed over 170,000 vertical feet, riding nonstop and finishing the race in just under 8 days and 9 hours, taking first place in their division. Glanbia Recognised at IASE Awards Jean O’Keeffe, Group HR Development Manager, accepted an award on Glanbia’s behalf at the 4th Annual IASE National Best Practice in Supported Employment Awards at Dublin’s Mansion House. The event pays tribute to individuals and organisations in recognition of their significant contribution in making equal employment opportunities a reality for people with a disability in Ireland. Pictured at the award presentation were (L to R) Jean O’ Keeffe and Teresa Mallon, IASE Chairperson. Getting to know... Michelle Hetherington, Senior Planning Manager, Nutritionals UK Where born: Hartlepool Length of service at Glanbia: 2 years Favourite Sports: Football and Horse Racing Favourite Sports Star: Jamie Carragher Sporting occasion you would most like to attend: Melbourne Cup Other Interests/Pastimes: Travelling Favourite TV Programme: Hollyoaks Favourite Band/Musician: Westlife Favourite companion if stranded on a desert island: Matthew McConaughey What would you do if you won the lottery: Travel the world Dream Holiday destination: Belize Person you would most like to have dinner with: David Beckham What can you not live without: Friends and family Mich elle H ether ingto n food for thought | summer 2012 11