Food For Thought September 2012 | Page 9

A FOCUS ON CHINA – ???? Kilkenny and Suzhou Sign Twinning Deal In April the cities of Kilkenny and Suzhou signed a twinning agreement bringing relations between the two cities to an official level. Glanbia established its first facility in China in the city of Suzhou in 2008. The travelling Chinese delegation visited Glanbia House where Ms. Lan Heping, Political Councillor of the Chinese Embassy and Ms. Wang Axian, Director the Suzhou Industrial Zone met with John Moloney, Liam Herlihy and Joe Crockett, Kilkenny County Manager. Glanbia’s Number 1 for Taoiseach as he Visits China Dominic Mills, Glanbia’s Research and Development Manager and Suzhou Eire Og Club Captain, and teammates posed with An Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Enda Kenny who met the group during his trade visit to the region in March. The Glanbia sponsored Eire Og team currently have multinational men’s and women’s teams that will compete in the All China Games and the All Asia Games in 2012. They have been competing in Asia since 2009 winning several trophies. Getting to know... Ciaran Gallagher, Business Graduate, Suzhou I joined Glanbia in January 2012 through a slightly unusual path. After studying Economics in Trinity College Dublin, I did a Masters in Asian Business between NUI Cork and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). This was the first Irish Masters of its kind and involved work placement in Singapore with individual sponsor companies. I was fortunate to have Glanbia as my sponsor and I spent four months in the Singapore office doing a range of roles. When the year was up and with my thesis submitted I stayed on with Glanbia, moving to the bustling Shanghai office. As Business Development Analyst my work is anchored around the AsPac corporate strategy, from putting it together to supporting its implementation. With no shortage of opportunities to roll up my sleeves I’ve tried my hand at event management for the AsPac Business Conference, turned legal eagle in setting up our Japan Representative Office and even did some diplomatic work during Minister Simon Coveney’s visit. The work so far has been challenging and varied, and as graduate experiences go you’d be hard pressed to beat it. I would recomm