by use of the air purge system The new moisture sensors can be compromised,” explains Ian Atkinson,
to remove the moisture from the linked with Ishida’s recently-launched Ishida Europe’s Business Manager
machine. and unique Sentinel Reporting, EMEA – Multihead Weighers. “As a
Intervention and Service packs. result, operators may be unaware of
Humidity levels between 80% and
major faults until it is too late to take
89% - which could occur if the air These combine immediate alerts purge system itself is compromised to water ingress problems with an - creates a red alert that results in in-depth historic analysis of each the weigher’s Remote Control Unit’s issue as and when it occurred. This “The availability of our moisture
power being automatically switched more in-depth level of monitoring sensors, together with the real time
off. It cannot then be switched back enables specific areas that may need reporting capabilities of Sentinel,
on until moisture levels have dropped attention to be highlighted. The eliminates this problem so that
below the 80% threshold. ability to take immediate action for the weighers are able deliver
any of these issues will ensure that their highest speeds and accuracy
the weigher can maintain a longer unimpeded, and in this way maintain
productive life. constant high production throughput
Anything above the 90% critical level
will see a bespoke input/output
module come into operation.
This can be configured to customer
requirements such as an audible
alarm or a series of beacon warning
lights to indicate that critical moisture
levels have been reached.
“Our multihead weighers are
remedial action, leading to unwanted
downtime and frustration.
and efficiencies.”
renowned for their reliability and The moisture sensing options are
efficiency, but the downside to available on all Ishida RV and RVE WP
this is that the machines can still models and are fitted as standard
continue to operate for a long time to the company’s fixed Sector
even in harsh environments where Solution models for fresh and frozen
their levels of protection have been applications.
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