Quick wins with Blue Planet
Packaging - Solutions which
don’t cost the Earth!
Lindum Packaging
Modern consumers are demanding
action in relation to plastic packaging
with Blue Planet II images vivid in their
make the difference? Only time will tell.
minds and the daily reminder in our
But what about the quick wins? In all this
littered hedgerows and streams. There
excitement and rush for improvement
is no point denying that plastic waste
there is one immediate solution which
is accumulating across the planet at an
cannot be contradicted - start using less
unacceptable rate –blighting landscapes,
packaging from today.
polluting streams, rivers and oceans and
harming wildlife.
There is so much that can be done so
quickly to reduce your contribution to
There are wide ranging discussions
relating to many aspects and possible
remedies, such as:
Removing plastic packaging and
replacing with entirely “non-plastic”
Awareness and education to reduce
Better recycling facilities which are more
accessible to consumers
n Use of bio-degradable products
n Introducing packaging free aisles in
passionate about and have conducted
some merit, all have drawbacks and over 175 Lean Integrated Packaging
implementation challenges. There Surveys (LIPS) in UK Food Factories which
will be cost involved - new stock, new have collectively identified average waste
methods, new machinery and trials reductions of 53%. In 2017 alone, we
causing production interruptions and delivered a staggering 219,386KG waste
potential food waste. R&D budgets will saving for our new customers. In Co2
need ramping up and NPD resources savings, that’s the equivalent of 1089
will be challenged – but we will live with fewer cars on the road!
this as British manufacturing rises to the
challenges in true style. Could you reduce plastic packaging on
More analysis to establish the root Can we eliminate plastic? Are we taking Together, we can help each other to
causes of this waste dilemma the correct approach? Will these actions continue this staggering waste reduction.
plastic pollution. It’s something we are
Whilst all these opinions have
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