Ishida Solution Solves Problem
Of Water Ingress For Fresh And
Frozen Weighing Applications
Ishida Europe has introduced
an internal moisture sensor and
monitoring system for its latest
packing environment.
While models for these applications
damage that can result in expensive
downtime and repairs.
typically have appropriate IP ratings The Ishida solution is three dew
and waterproof washdown designs, and temperature sensors which
these cannot prevent incidents such are placed at key points within the
as doors and drive weigh units being weigher – under the top cover, in the
loosely torqued, or doors being turret and in the main body. These
inadvertently left open, even if just provide a constant monitoring of
for a short while. In addition, air humidity levels within the weigher
purge systems designed to push out and send out a series of escalating
moist air may be poorly maintained alerts to operators if levels become
reliability. and lead to humid air being used. too high. There are three stages of
Excessive water or humidity within a alerts. A humidity level of between
Water ingress is a common problem multihead weigher will cause loss of 70% and 79% triggers a yellow alert.
in the fresh and frozen weighing and machine performance and significant This humidity can typically be cleared
multihead weighers, which will
enable fresh and frozen food
producers to more easily control
and prevent water ingress into
their critical production equipment.
Coupled with Ishida’s advanced
Sentinel monitoring and reporting
system, this will ensure an enhanced
performance and longer term
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