Focus on Steel | Page 21

Human statues - council goddesses ( 4200 BC ) ˆ
The kilns where they burned the clay for pottery offered them also the opportunity to know metallurgy . There is evidence that this population knows metals like gold , copper and silver , but rarely used them .
The discovery of a statuette representing a horned animal that has four wheels instead of feet , proves very clearly that this population knew the wheel . We also met to them for the first time in history the swastika symbol and the sign of Ying and Yang .
Cucuteni Culture would be remembered in the history for its ceramics unique in Europe and matched worldwide only for the Chinese ceramics just a millennium later . The decor is predominantly spiral and characteristic colors are white , red and black variations depending the temperature that was burnt the clay object . They found many dishes from simple glasses to statuettes predominantly female . It is assumed that this civilization had a cult of the Mother Goddess . About Cucuteni ceramics technique is said to be close to perfection , but have not succed so far to know precisely this technique and also have not yet discovered two objects painted the same , so each object is unique .
Statuette with wheels instead of feet (~ 3750 BC )


Bracelet made of copper ( 4500 - 3900 BC )


Human statues - council goddesses ( 4200 BC ) ˆ

All discoveries stops around 2800 BC . Hr . when this culture disappears suddenly . Some historians associate their disappearance tragedy on biblical Flood , while others blamed climate change or an invasion of another people . Research is still ongoing .
Outstanding examples of this treasure you can see at the Eneolithic Art Museum in Piatra Neamt , the only museum of its kind in Europe , the Museum of History of Moldova in the Palace of Culture in Iasi and at the archaeological reserve in the village of Cucuteni , Iasi County .
Thank Neokoolt Association who provided us the necessary images for this article . rd
3 / December 2016