Just 27 km from Pascani , in Cucuteni Village , there has been discovered in 1884 the first vestiges of homo-nime culture . Discovered pottery fragments dating prove culture is older than the Sumerian civilization and painted pottery belonging to this culture were realized before the Egyptian pyramids .
Cucuteni-Tripoli culture extended in its heyday over 2
an area of about 350.000 km on nowadays teritory of Moldova , Muntenia North-East , South-East Transylvania and Basarabia to the Nistru . This civilization was born around 5.200 BC . Hr . and was extended over a period of 2.000 years .
These people settlements were built on land platforms with several rooms and the village center there was usually an imposing building used as a community gathering place and sanctuary for religious rituals . Archaeological research proves that settlements stretched over hundreds of hectares , had hundreds of thousands of homes and streets , with 10.000 - 15.000 inhabitants . We can say that while the people of those times were organized into tribes , the residents of this culture starting the groundwork of the urban organization , being considered the inventors of the city .
The well organize of their settlement shows that the habitants had a very strong community spirit . The main occupations were hunting , farming , and pottery , weaving or making tools . Those who were most important functions in the community used to adorn themselves , using jewelry made of copper , gold or polished bone .
Vessel belonging to Cucuteni Culture ( 3700 to 3500 BC ) ˆ