Focal Point February 2011 | Page 2

These particular classes may be of some interest to Focal Point members :
Photographing Artwork – Taught by Joseph Bruno . This one-day workshop is for the visual artist ( painters , sculptors , etc .) who want to learn how to photograph their work to put it online .
For a first time effort try doing a head shot of someone with your cell phone . That should teach you to get “ close ” both literally and figuratively . E -­‐ mail your pictures to focalpoint @ onlinehammonton . com at least 5 days before the meeting .
Zazzle – Basics and Advanced – both taught by Amy D ’ Adamo . Zazzle is but one of the sites that allows the artist to sell his work by printing it on a variety of items from t -­‐ shirts to mugs to just about anything . Friday March 25 ( Basics ) & Friday April 8 ( Advanced )
Photoshop for Beginners – taught by Amy D ’ Adamo . Learn to create an image from scratch using brushes , shapes and other tools as well as manipulate a photograph to remove blemishes or add filter effects . Friday March 13 .
Focal Point will be participating in the Valentine Day events at the Art Center . We will be doing “ Portraits for Lovers ” in the studio on Saturday , February 12 th from 10am to 8pm . Anyone interested in helping out that day please contact Joe Bruno at 609-­‐457-­‐4892 or 561-­‐5775 ( e -­‐ mail : bruno @ homemail . com ).
Portrait Assignment
As Sam noted one of the keys to a good portrait is to establish a rapport with your subject . You need to break down barriers and make the subject at ease with you . Sometimes this needs to be done quickly .
More years ago then I ’ d like to admit to I had to complete an exercise to help develop that skill . Take a headshot of a stranger with a wide angle lens . No cropping allowed .
The stranger part was no problem , I was at Lowry AFB in Denver , CO and knew a grand total of two people .
Focal Point at the Hammonton Art Center
219 Bellevue Avenue Hammonton , NJ 08037
Coming Up ! Quarterly Advanced Contest
1 st quarter – Head & Shoulder Portrait ( March ) 2 nd quarter – Open Subject ( June ) 3 rd quarter – Close up ( September ) 4 th quarter – Scenic ( November ) We will be looking for :
1 . Technical Proficiency – exposure , printing , color , etc . 2 . Composition 3 . Emotion ( did the picture elicit an emotional reaction from the viewer ?) Fell free to bring in your work prints for comments as you finish up your projects .