Hollow out a secret cavity to store a valuable necklace
Dream your brick is a kilo of hashish
Stand it on end in a kitchen cabinet next to a
Betty Crocker cake mix
Block the entrance to a gopher warren
Drill and wire a brick for a lamp base
Freeze a brick for a personal cooling device on hot day
Bake a brick for a personal heating device on a cold day
Leave it in the hallway outside your door
Trip on a brick
Build a very low, very short wall
Consult a psychic about the future of your brick
Use a brick for second base in a game of stick ball
Wash and wax a brick
Hire professionals to detail your brick
Laminate your brick
Will it to a distant cousin
Tether a Chihuahua pup to a brick
Cook a pot of brick soup
Loan it to a dear friend who has no brick
Launch a brick rental business
Buy a Hawaiian shirt that looks good with your brick
Compare the smell of a brick to the smell of lipstick
Write a ballad about your brick
Research your brick's family history
Trace its three distinct profiles in your notebook
Pretend it's Paul Bunyan's nail file
Become a low-budget shot-putter
Take a picture of it
Email your brick pic to everyone in your address book
Build a brick web page
Write a brick blog Interview a brick
Learn patience from a brick
Display your 1909 SVDB Lincoln penny on a one-brick pedestal
Use a brick for a trivet
Cut a brick just so with a tile saw and have a matching pair of trivets
Rent a storage unit and put a brick into solitary confinement
Prop up your coffee pot in a campfire
Inspire a Pink Floyd song
Giftwrap a brick
Store in a cool, dry place