In conclusion, no matter what type or family of
aircraft you are into, you should have access to a
few very good flight models and well made aircraft, and especially considering that new aircraft are constantly being added while existing
ones are also being updated, all to a better standard than ever before, I think it’s fairly safe to
say that Infinite Flight firmly ticks this box for
However, despite the varying quality in some the most part, as it’s also certain that it will conof these aircraft, the vast majority have got all tinue to improve greatly in this sector.
the basic requirements that you would expect,
including animated parts, multiple liveries, 3D Before pressing the all important “Fly” button,
virtual cockpits, weight and balance, and HD there are a good few things on Infinite Flight
texturing thanks to a brilliant rendering sys- that you can adjust to your liking, in solo mode
tem, so this benefits all aircraft. One other good for the main part.
feature for the airliners in Infinite Flight is the
sounds- These are professionally recorded from You can change not only the wind direction and
a Boeing 767, a measure which is very rarely velocity, but the maximum velocity that it can
taken by other simulators on the mobile mar- “gust” to- Adding not only a lot of realism, but
ket. There are a few things missing from this list providing for a very exciting final approach in
that you would find on a desktop level simula- adverse weather conditions. Visibility can also
tor, such as an engine start sequence, animated be altered from 50km to just 350m, and when
instruments, and landing smoke, but as Lau- you’re feeling a little gutsy, you’ll see that some
ra, the CEO of FDS tells us later some of these very well rendered fog will gradually appear. In
things are already in the works as we speak, and co-ordination with the wind settings, you can
also alter the extent to which turbulence will ocso should only be a matter of time.
cur during your flight, starting at Light, to moderate, severe and then finally extreme. This feels
relatively realistic and can nicely supplement
the wind to mix things up just a little more. But
for me the one that stands out has to be temperature, which you can set in celsius-this has
a genuine effect on aircraft engine performance
and very few other major flight sims on the mobile market feature such a setting.
revious issue of flightsim magazine.