The requirements of your device aren’t too heavy either.
Several staggered quality settings specific to Live and the
general graphics of the app
make it easy to fine tune your
experience on both Live and
Solo dependent on how much
lag you are willing to have, or
how powerful your device is.
The team at Infinite Flight seem
to be continously making performance improvements- And
it has to be said, that you can
really squeeze a lot out of the
app. Using an old iPad Air, that
uses a worn out A7 chipset, I
was able to use Live in relatively busy airspace, and effectively communicate with ATC in
High Definition, at a noticeably
smooth frame rate, with aircraft quality on Very High and
terrain quality on High. To add
to this, IF isn’t that much of a
battery hog provided you don’t
go all out with the settings, and
all things considered is definitely not a data hog either- so
you don’t have to worry about
it eating away at your data plan
as much as you would expect it
to. This left me very pleaseantly
surprised, and impressed, with
these aspects of the simulator.
Not only can Infinite Flight
Live be fun, but you can pursue a new passion. That may
be improving your piloting
skills, but also becoming an
Advanced Server Controller.
For this reason exactly we
spoke to Infinite Flight’s ATC
Community Manager, Tyler
Shelton, to find out what new
opportunities and general services can be offered to users;
Tyler, first of all, what is the
Advanced ATC Program and
how long has it been active?
The Advanced ATC Program
is Infinite Flight’s elite group
of controllers, who have all
passed a multi-step testing
process to man the air traffic control facilities on the
advanced server of Infinite
Flight. After a year and a half
of the Advanced ATC Program our controller team has
grown to over 300 active controllers! (Tyler)
How is the management of
IFATC structured, and how
do the ranks work within the
group? (Jack)
The Advanced ATC Program
is currently managed by me,
the ATC Community Manager for Flying Development
Studio, Pilot Community
Manager Mark Denton, ATC
Moderators Joe Reilly and
Jason Rosewell, and many veteran controllers. To maintain
a structured program with a
sense of progression, each new
advanced controller begins
as an ATC Trainee, only able
to control class delta airports.
The smaller airports allow
new controllers to fix mistakes
from their testing process,
refine the air traffic basics, and
better understand their role in
a realistic air traffic control environment. From the bottom,
controllers will work their way
up to the rank of ATC Supervisor, even taking a specialized test to qualify for radar
facilities. Once fully qualified,
an advanced controller will
be able to operate all ground,
tower, departure, approach
and center frequencies. (Tyler)
Can you describe to us the
testing process that is used to
ensure a high quality of controllers when on the advanced
server, and the help offered
to those who wish to take up
controlling without any prior
experience? (Jack)
Development Studio LLC
PRICE: $6.99
Android, and Windows
Phone application, that
brings users what claims to
be the mos