FleetDrive Issue 49 - October 2024 | Page 16

Leveraging Technology for Award-Winning Council Fleet Operations

Overall Question : How has technology helped you , as a fleet operator , achieve your goals ?
• Improved safety
• Boosted sustainability
• Streamlined efficiency
Plant Assessor – Risk Assessment and Pre- Operational Checking
One technology that has significantly impacted our operations is Plant Assessor . It has enabled us to conduct standardised risk assessments based on asset type , ensuring a consistent and thorough evaluation process . The digital pre-start capabilities provide real-time data to capture defects , enhancing our ability to address issues promptly . Additionally , the database allows us to review and access historic pre-start information , which is invaluable for tracking and improving our safety protocols . Another promising technology is TechOne ( One Council ), although we are yet to see its full impact . Lastly , the IVMS and the data that Lachie is now presenting in BI have been instrumental in reviewing our fleet size and asset utilisation , helping us optimise our resources effectively .
Technology 1 – CiA Asset Management System
Implementing the CiA Asset Management System has significantly enhanced our operations . This technology allows us to manage asset degradation effectively and utilise predictive modelling for fleet maintenance , ensuring our vehicles are always in top condition . Strategic reporting capabilities provide us with valuable insights , while accurate Labour time tracking against activities helps us set informed hire rates . Overall , the CiA Asset Management System has streamlined our processes and improved our efficiency .
Optimising Asset Management with Hour Meters
The integration of hour meters on child assets has revolutionised our replacement program . By installing hour meters on truck-mounted
16 ISSUE 49 OCTOBER 2024 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU