FleetDrive Issue 49 - October 2024 | Page 15

FLEETDRIVE give you a quick overview of the content .
However , once data is entered into an external AI , like ChatGPT or Microsoft Co-Pilot , it is immediately captured into third-party storage systems . The data is then used to develop that model further — it ’ s out in the wild and publicly available .
Fleet data is perhaps amongst the most sensitive data within an organisation – it can encompass commercials , inventory , addresses , driver details , and much more . If this data leaves your environment for any reason , it can immediately breach a raft of policies , protections , and certifications your organisation may have ( had ) to handle sensitive data correctly .
Adopting an enterprise or in-solution AI significantly helps your organisation maintain data sovereignty — control over where your data is stored . Integrated AIs like Webfleet ’ s are configured to operate within your organisation ’ s walled data garden ; data may enter but never leave , ensuring ownership , continuing chain of custody , and the security that high-level certifications like ISO27001 require – extremely important if you service public entities .
Operational Culture
AI assistance is here to stay . While some challenges could be managed with traditional tools ( Excel pivot tables , PowerBI etc .), AI efficacy and capability will continue to increase . At some point , the time and effort saved by using these tools will tip the scales in their favour , and it only takes one event to put your sensitive data at risk .
By enabling AI adoption within a protected environment ( e . g ., integrated into your FMS ), your organisation can control , develop , and influence best practices by operating within a safe , controlled environment — a “ walled garden .” Users can fulfil their needs and realise the benefits of using AI without the risks of an external AI .
The actual gain of AI cultural adoption is time savings . AI tools can analyse and assess richer and deeper data quicker than humans , meaning you can see more and see further for less effort .
For example , one can ask the Webfleet AI , “ Give me a report of all drivers who exceeded speed limits by more than 15kph last Wednesday ”, and it ’ ll give you a result in seconds . Retrieving the data currently might only require some extra reporting and dashboard filters , but the use of AI has given 15 minutes back .
By encouraging the use of an integrated AI across the organisation , savings can be repeated per person and per task – leading to substantial time savings and a positive shift in operational culture .
Organisational Control
The challenge with all great operators is their desire to find efficiencies – within fleet , operations , or daily tasks . AI provides a tantalising opportunity to do more in less time .
Unfortunately , if left unimplemented , organisations rob themselves of these powerful tools and , most importantly , the skills , knowledge , and procedures to ensure their safe and effective use . It ’ s much easier to develop an understanding within a walled garden than out in the wild , where a slight mistake can result in a breach of data control .
With the growing accessibility , capability , and prevalence of generative AI tools , it ’ s simply a matter of time before someone does use a public tool , even for something as innocuous as summarising a report .
By implementing an AI tool that the organisation maintains control of , the risk of using a public AI like Chat-GPT , Co-Pilot , or Gemini is redirected to the one under control . This means that in the event of misuse , everything is contained within the confines of the organisation . It becomes a much safer and controllable scenario , where internal resources can be mobilised with greater authority to rectify .
Generative AIs are powerful tools ; they present tremendous capabilities and savings for organisations , but they are also an avenue of risk . Careful , decisive leadership by fleet operators can help realise performance gains within fleet management while also curtailing emerging risks for their organisation .
The Webfleet AI is undergoing opt-in beta testing , gathering customer feedback and input . If you ’ d like to see how an integrated AI works within a fleet management solution , get in touch with the team here , call 02 7202 5060 , or email scott . elkington @ webfleet . com
ISSUE 49 OCTOBER 2024 / WWW . AFMA . ORG . AU 15