to another and that’s where fitness plays
a big role and gives me strength to keep
working for 18 hours a day out of 24 hours
and still going on with a 6 hours of sleep.
Q 4) How your physical health improves
your mental health?
A 4) As I said earlier, It keeps me happy
and confident and that comes from your
mind so if you are physically healthy you
do your workouts and physical activities
you Are actually able to focus when you
are meant to. If I have to focus on particu-
lar thing then I am able to focus and that’s
because I am fit and I am not fit physi-
cally. I am not be able to set or give time
to something else and also it helps you to
concentrate as well as you feel concentrate
from your mind about things like I can do
this and it’s quite rare that you get a ques-
tion in your mind like if I can do this or I
cannot do this and you genrally say that I
will do and you just go on so yes it goes
like that.
Q 5) Do you think that body shaming
plays a major role in fitness?
A 5) Honestly I personally feel that there
is nothing like body shaming but I would
say that is a thought of negative motiva-
tion who do not like their body shape the
way it is. So like I go to college and every
day I see skinny people I see obese peo-
ple and generally people poke them and
people call them with different names and
they’re not comfortable with that. That
should be a sort of negative motivation
for them to be fit and do some physical
activities and if they feel confident about
their body the way it is then there is no
concept of body shaming, they should ig-
nore it. But the fact that they can’t ignore
it then that negative motivation plays the
major role and helps them improves them-
selves. I have a friend back at college, he
wasn’t comfortable with his body because
he is obese basically and also there are
some problems occurring due to obesity
so that’s why he felt like there is a need to
be fit and also people use to poke him so
yes he started doing gym and other physi-
cal activities so yes it helps and I called
this negative motivation rather than call-
ing it body shaming.
Q 6) How digital applications help you
to keep track of fitness?
A 6) I haven’t use much of the apps but I
actually use Google fit this app just helps
me to track my footsteps and there are
other apps which helps you to even add
a schedule for the gym which helps you
to keep track of a diet as well as other
physical activities. So digital apps have
improved people’s fitness a lot and also
there’s a boom of
these apps in the
market. I don’t use a lot but I have seen
a lot of people where those fitness bands
and they keep a track of whatever the ac-
tivity they wants to do, how much calo-
ries they have burnt during the day and
yes it somewhere makes a person con-
scious about their health and a person can
keep a proper track that how much I have
achieved today or how much I could have
achieve today, so yes a person is able to
measure his success rate through these