Interview of a person who engages
in Fitness Activities
Q 1) What is Fitness according to you
and for how long now you are doing it?
A 1) So basically I started doing gym
about 3 years ago and my initial goals
were to look jacked and full but later as i
was reachhing towards my goal i realised
that flexibility and strength were missing
in my daily routine as my basics were not
correct so later on i revised everything and
started again from beginning.
fitness is all about the well being of an in-
dividual where he/she can practice all dif-
ferent daily physical activities with ease.
Q 2) Does physical health helps you to
work more effectively and efficiently all
A 2) Yes it’s quite obvious. Since I have
joined gym and I have been into physical
activities. Actually I am not just focus-
ing on gym but obviously I have been do-
ing physical activities a lot. I have been
into sports and I have played badminton
and yes this has helped me to increase my
stamina as well as strength and also the
fact that I have seen people who have lost
their stamina while doing some work and
they like sit for a while to do rest so
basically I have not done that generally I
am prefer doing that so yes I feel it’s quite
Important and it has helped me and helped
me a lot in improving my strength.
Q 3) How fitness changed your life?
A 3) Particularly not fitness, I would say
physical activities that lead to fitness
changed my life. I feel that I don’t have
to find a reason to be happy, physical ac-
tivities make you happy and when you do
your workouts and other physical activi-
ties like you play so you are generally feel
happy. Your anger and all your sadness
comes out it just leaves your body and
you get distracted and you work on your-
self and then you feel confident. Actually
when you are fit you feel confident, if you
are not fit then there is a sort of complex
in you so this way it has helped me a lot, I
feel confident, I feel happy and I am able
to manage a lot of thing in my life. Also
being in a creative field I have to keep run-
ning all day I have to go from one place