Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 387

E. In cases of parts storage areas, it shall also be separated from all other portions of the building by walls or partitions and floor or floor-ceiling assemblies having a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours. F. In areas of repair garages used for repair or servicing of vehicles, floor assemblies shall be constructed of noncombustible materials or, if combustible materials are used in the assembly, shall be surfaced with approved noncombustible material. Floors shall be liquid tight to prevent the leakage or seepage of liquids and shall be sloped to facilitate the movement of water, fuel, or other liquids to floor drains. G. In areas of repair garages where motor fuels are dispensed or where vehicles are serviced, floor drains shall be provided. They shall be properly trapped and shall discharge through an oil separator to the sewer or to an outside vented sump. H. The contents of oil separators and traps of floor drainage systems shall be collected at sufficiently frequent intervals to prevent oil from being carried into the sewers. Disposal of which shall be in accordance with Rule 10, Chapter 4, Division 2 and Section of this IRR. I. Pits and sub-floor work areas shall comply with the following: 1. Walls, floors, and piers shall be constructed of masonry, concrete, or other suitable noncombustible material. 2. Pits shall have a minimum of two unobstructed means of egress. Steps shall be noncombustible, slip resistant, and constructed with no accessible storage space beneath. 3. Pits and sub-floor areas shall be provided with an individual ventilating system capable of providing a complete air change every five minutes (5 min) with the intake located near floor level. J. Repair garages shall be limited in height and area, depending on the type of construction, and shall be provided with proper ventilation fire protective system in accordance with this IRR. K. Below-grade areas occupied for repairing, or communicating areas located below a repair garage, shall be continuously ventilated by a mechanical ventilating system having positive means for exhausting indoor air at a rate of not less than 1 m 3 /min per m 2 of floor area. An approved means of ventilation shall be provided for introducing an equal amount of outdoor air. 371