Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 275

c. For underground tanks: i. Underground tank storage for Class I, Class II or Class III liquids shall be covered with a minimum of sixty centimeters (60 cm) earth or shall be covered with not less than thirty centimeters (30 cm) of earth on top of which shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete not less than ten centimeters (10 cm) in thickness; ii. Tanks subjected to traffic shall be protected against damage from vehicles passing over them by at least ninety centimeters (90 cm) of earth cover or fifty centimeters (50 cm) of well tamped earth, and topped with 5 centimeters (5 cm) of concrete or twenty centimeters (20 cm) of asphalted concrete; iii. Asphalted or reinforced pavement used as part of the protection of the tank shall be extended at least thirty centimeters (30 cm) horizontally beyond the outline of the tank in all directions; iv. Where tank may become buoyant due to rise in the level of water table or due to location in area that may be subjected to flooding, suitable precautions shall be observed to anchor the tank in place. d. Piping systems: i. The design, fabrication, assembly, test, and inspection of piping systems containing flammable and combustible liquids shall be suitable for the expected working pressures and structural stresses in conformity with the internationally accepted standards. ii. Joints shall be made liquid-tight and shall be either welded, flanged, or threaded, except that listed flexible connectors shall be permitted to be used where installed. iii. Threaded joints shall be made up tight with a suitable thread sealant or lubricant. Joints in piping systems handling Class I liquids shall be welded when located in concealed spaces within buildings. iv. Pipe joints, dependent upon the friction characteristics or resiliency of combustible materials for mechanical continuity or liquid-tightness of piping, shall not be used inside buildings. They shall be permitted to be used outside of buildings aboveground or underground. If used aboveground or outside of buildings, the piping shall either be secured to prevent 259