Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 274

i. Approved portable firs-aid fire protection appliances; ii. Approved, supervised sprinkler system; iii. Pre-connected hose line of one and a half inch (1 ½ in) diameter; iv. Open flames, smoking and other sources of ignition, shall not be permitted in flammable or combustible liquid storage rooms. A “NO SMOKING” sign shall be posted; and v. Materials, which react with water or other liquids to produce a hazard, shall not be stored in the same room with flammable or combustible liquids. 3. Specific Requirements for Bulk Plant and Storage In the storage and dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids in bulk and bulk plant, the following requirements shall be complied: a. Class I, Class II and Class III flammable liquids shall be stored in closed containers with a capacity exceeding that of portable tanks. Such tanks may be stored aboveground or underground outside the building. b. For above ground tanks: i. Tanks shall be installed or rest on the ground and on concrete foundation, masonry, piling or steel. Tank foundation shall be designed to minimize the possibility of uneven settling of the tank and to minimize corrosion in any part of the tank resting on the foundation; ii. Tank support for Class I, Class II or Class III liquids shall be installed on a firm foundation either of masonry or steel; iii. Steel supports or exposed piling shall be protected with materials having a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours; except that when it is supported by steel saddle, it shall not be less than three tenths meter (0.3m) high at the lowest point; iv. Tanks when supported by sphere, special engineering considerations shall be required to prevent excessive concentration of loads on the supporting portion of the shell; v. For tanks located in an area subject to flooding, precautions shall be undertaken to prevent it from floating during rise of water level. 258