Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 273
hazardous class and the total amount in the pile cannot
exceed that allowed for that class.
• Within sixty meters (60 m) of each group of portable tanks in a
pile, there shall be a three and five tenths (3.5) meters wide
access way to approach of fire control apparatus.
• The distances listed apply to properties that have protection
for exposures as defined. If there are exposures, and such
protection for exposure does not exist, the distances in column
4 shall be doubled.
• When total quantity stored does not exceed fifty (50) percent
of maximum per pile, the distances in columns 4 and 5 may be
reduced 50 percent, but not less than ninety-one centimeters
(91 cm).
• The storage of empty portable tanks, and containers, and
drums previously used for the storage of flammable or
combustible liquids, unless free from explosives vapors, shall be
the same as provided for the storage of flammable liquids;
provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not
apply to portable or safety containers cans.
• Tanks and containers when emptied shall immediately be
covered, replaced or plugged in the openings.
• Containers of flammable or combustible liquids when piled
one upon the other shall be separated to provide stability and
to prevent excessive stress on container walls. The height of
piles shall be consistent with the stability and strength of
containers. In no case shall nominal two hundred liters (200 ℓ)
in drums be stored over three times high without approved
structural support.
The dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids is limited to
not more than one hundred eight liters (108 ℓ) per container
drums at any time and shall be by approved pumps taking
suction through the top of the container.
ii. All mixing, blending, and similar operations involving the use of
flammable or combustible liquids shall be performed in an
inside storage and handling room of two (2) hours fire-resistive
s. Fire Protection. The following are requirements for fire protection in
the storage of flammable liquids: