Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 276
disengagement at the fitting, or the piping system shall be so
designed that any spill resulting therefrom will not expose,
cause damage or harm to persons, buildings or structures and
could be readily controlled by remote valves.
v. Pipe systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to
operate it properly and to protect the plant. Pipe systems
connected to pumps shall contain a sufficient number of valves
to control properly the flow of liquid in normal operation and in
event of physical damage. Connection to pipe lines of
equipment such as tank cars or tank vehicles discharging
flammable or combustible liquids into storage tanks by means
of pump, shall be provided with check valves for automatic
protection against backflow.
e. Vents location, arrangement, size and piping:
Vent pipes from tanks storing flammable or combustible liquids
shall be so located that the discharge point is outside of
buildings, shall terminate not less than two and forty two
hundredths meters (2.42 m) above the fill pipe opening and not
less than three and sixty four hundredths meters (3.64 m) above
the adjacent ground level. Vent pipes shall discharge only
upward or horizontally (not downward) in order to disperse
vapors. Vent pipes five centimeters (5 cm) or less in nominal
inside diameter shall not be obstructed by devices that will
reduce their capacity and thus cause excessive backpressure.
Vent pipe outlet shall be so located that flammable vapors will
not enter building openings or to be trapped under the eaves
of other obstructions. If the vent pipe is less than three meters (3
m) in length or greater than five centimeters (5 cm) in nominal
inside diameter, the outlet shall be provided with a vacuum
and pressure relief device, or there shall be an approved flame
arrester located in the vent line at the outlet. In no case shall a
flame arrester be located more than four and five tenths meters
(4.5) from the outlet and from the vent line.
ii. Vent lines from tanks shall not be used for any other purpose.
iii. Each tank shall be vented through piping adequate in size to
prevent blowback of vapor or liquid at the fill opening while
tank is being filled. Vent pipes shall not be less than thirty two
millimeters (32 mm) in nominal inside diameter.
iv. Vent pipes shall be so laid as to drain toward the tank without
sags or traps in which liquid can collect. They shall be so
located that they will not be subjected to physical damages.
Vent pipes from tanks storing the same class of liquids may be